Tuesday, June 15, 2010

D-list Arrives!

Well, tonight the D-list officially arrived on Bravo. It was wonderful and left us thinking should we change the name of this show to the unofficial, completely non-authorized, Maggie Griffin Fan-cast. Just kidding Kathy. We love you and glad your back!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Petition to get Kathy to be a judge on American Idol

Ellen has done it. Paula Abdul has done it. Why can't Kathy? She's a funny lady. She says funny stuff to people. Plus Oprah and Ryan's plan to shut Kathy out wouldn't work after all. Help us make this a reality. Click on the link below.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Week!

The countdown begins! One week until Kathy starts her (presumed) 3rd Emmy Winning Season of My List on the D-List. Tune into the show this week, as a special guest host, Neal B., joins Kendall to discuss all things Kathy and don't miss this Friday a special Pre-Dlist podcast with Kendall and Cliff, who returns from camp.